Stabbing Knee Pain?

knne painEver feel like a knife is going through your knee cap?  If so, help is on the way.  In as little as 6 minutes you can start feeling some relief.  One of the major root causes to joint aches and pains and premature wear and tear is excessive myo-fascial tension.  If you’d like to turn that around, check out the quick video below and practice the two step process  at least once a day and I bet you’ll start to notice a difference immediately.

2 Part Knee Pain Eraser

Part 1 Myo-fascial release  We need to smash out the muscle and fascial knots and tightness that’s on the front and side of your thighs.  Take your foam roller and place it on the floor then lay face down with the top part of your thighs perpendicular to the roller. Roll back and forth for about 2 minutes from your knee joint to your hips.  You can do both legs at the same time or one at a time.  Also take a lacrosse or tennis ball if you have it and roll it around the top rim of your knee cap all around the muscle just about the patellar tendon that crosses the front of your knee joint.

Part 2 Stretching  To do “The Couch Stretch”  find a wall  then bend your knee and place your knee on the floor all the way up against the wall with resting the top part of your shin and foot up against the wall then as you get used to being in this position, try to work the opposite leg up and place your foot on the floor bending your knee to 90 degrees.  Slowing continue to make the stretch more uncomfortable and move your upper body to eventually the upright position supporting yourself with the bent knee. Hold for 2 min taking nice deep breaths body straight abs and butt tight. Rinse and repeat on the other leg. If you can hold the most uncomfortable position for at least 2 minutes. That’s where the magic happens.  Also repeat on your tighter side at least twice if you can.

What’d you think?  Hope it helped.  If so, please share it with a friend and if you’re not already a subscriber to our community pop your best email in the sign up box below so you can continue to get helpful tweaks like this one in your email box as they’re published.

Posted in Workouts and Exercise.

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