
I think we all know what this achronym stands for and it’s not the rock band with the cool make-up.  KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.  I love the saying and try to live by it even thought the last word isn’t the most positive.

So getting back to the plan.  We’ve got the basics down. We’re moving more, eating better and feeling better. The next small step in our journey is to dial in our activities to get the biggest bang for our buck.

In order to keep our bodies running in tip top shape there are a few different things to take a look at. How about if we figure out how to make our heart and lungs stronger first?

Most types of movement will challenge the cardiovascular system. So how much is enough? That’s been the topic of debate and will continue to be for a long time as long as there’s scientists and studies. However if we go back to KISS, the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and the AHA (American Heart Association) recommend that healthy adults under age 65 work out moderately 30 minutes per day, five days a week or vigorously 20 minutes per day, three days per week.

What does that really mean?  How about if we do something weLIKE such as walking, biking or jogging 30 minutes per day 3-5 days per week. Make sure you sweat for at least thirty minutes and if you’re short on time and only have 20 minutes, pump up the intensity so you can’t carry on a conversation very well.

Keep it simple, break it down into small bits and take one step at a time. Small and simple will keep that feeling of being overwhelmed out of it and hopefully you’ll “get r done.”

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