This hidden ingredient could be making you FAT!

cookiemonsterAre you finding that the numbers on your scale along with the inches around your waist are going in the wrong direction? The culprit could be Fructose, a type of sugar according to researchers at the University of Cincinnati that not only turns into fat at a super fast speed, but it also wreaks havoc on your tri-glycerides, LDL cholesterol and over all cholesterol like you wouldn’t believe. In fact HFCS or High Fructose Corn Syrup is so bad in my book that I call it one of the big 2 ingredients to stay away from like the plague. The other is Partially Hydrogenated oils which are a whole other can of worms that can be talked about another time. 

So getting back to HFCS, which also reduces your satiation hormone Leptin and increases your hunger hormone Ghrelin? Makes total sense now doesn’t it, that when you eat foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup you never really feel full and you want to keep eating more and more of those crackers, bread, chips or cereal.  This stuff is so bad it also causes insulin resistance and is a major player in “metabolic syndrome” which is a slew of conditions (increased BP, cholesterol, excessive fat around the waist and elevated insulin levels), that occur together which increase your risks for heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

HFCS is still in a lot of processed foods, but the good news is that it’s beginning to be a little less common. Not much, but a little. Here are 3 tips to get some slimming results and cut HFCS and Fructose out of your diet.
1.)The easiest way is to eat whole natural foods and try to avoid anything out of a box or bag.
2.)Choose fresh fruit over fruit juice. Fructose is produced from concentrated fruit juice and contains very high amounts of fructose (it’s high in calories too!). Fresh fruit however, has very little fructose and a ton of fiber which can actually help curb hunger.
3.)Read the Labels. Read the fine print on everything you eat and drink. You’d be surprised at the foods they stick HFCS in.
Another question you might ask yourself before you put something in your mouth would be: did my ancestors a 100 or 200 yrs ago have this food available to eat? If not, chances are it’s not going to be the best choice. Happy label reading and if you have any interesting and different foods that you’ve found HFCS in, please post a comment. Would love to hear about it.



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