What is the reason?

I’m pretty sure that we can all agree that the number one reason we don’t do the things we think we should do is…..

Ever felt like this?

Ever felt like this?

Lack of TIME!

The next question we need to investigate is this fact or is this fiction. Do we really lack the time? Or do we conveniently use lack of time as an excuse?

There’s no doubt that Americans on average work more than most other major advanced industrial countries in the world. In fact, Edward Prescott did a study in 2003; “Why do Americans Work so Much more than others?” and found that we work 50 percent more than the Germans, French and Italians.

Even though it’s true, is working a lot a valid reason not to incorporate exercise and better eating habits into our lifestyles? According to a recent poll (April 9, 2007) on the popular internet site About.com, which asked:”Do you think people really lack the time to exercise?” 71% said NO, 26 % said yes and 2% said they didn’t know. Could we then conclude that “The time barrier” may just be a convenient excuse for not wanting to complete unpleasant tasks like ” having a root canal” , “scrubbing the bathroom floor with a toothbrush” or exercising and eating better ?

We should try not to be too hard on ourselves, but maybe it’s something we should think about?

Posted in Uncategorized.

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