Inside Out Fat Loss – 5 Simple Steps

Inside out fat loss?  This isn't another gimmick or fad diet.  It's a proven 5 step plan to build a permanent fat loss and wellness foundation.  There’s research to back it up too.

I was talking to my coach the other day.  Yes coaches have coaches.  We all need someone to push us, hold us accountable and guide us through whatever our goals and aspirations may be. 

Anyways, back to the story… We were talking about struggles and weight loss and I mentioned that, "It's usually not what people eat that makes them fat; it's what's EATING them.  Any diet will work for the period of time that you stick with it.  But, as soon as you go off it, the weight comes back and then some. 

The ROOT cause is the key.

Until you get to the ROOT cause of WHY you're overeating, making poor food choices and NOT choosing to take care of your body by getting proper exercise, rest and relaxation, you'll continue to upwardly spiral on the scale and increase your risk for disease. 

Sound familiar?  And how about these thoughts? “I don’t like my big butt, I hate my jiggly arms, my muffin top makes me sick and I despise my fat thighs.   I can’t tell you how many times I've heard and thought those very words.

I struggle daily with similar negative “self trash talk”. We’re either built that way, conditioned by society or maybe a little bit of both? Not sure how we’ve gotten to this dark place of self loathing, but here are 5 ways to help improve the way you feel about yourself to help build up your inside so you can lose the fat on the outside.

5 Inside-Out Fat Loss Strategies

1.) Become AWARE of your thoughts and feelings. We have two basic choices, positive or negative. Whenever a feeling like frustration, resentment, anger, impatience or hostility comes up, identify it. Recognizing what’s going on is the first step to changing your feelings.

2.) Press the RE-SET button. Even if you don't believe you have the power to cancel your negative thoughts/feelings, pause just for a second after you become aware of the bad thought, imagine a reset button in your brain press it and re-boot your computer.

3.) Replace the negative thought with a realistic believable POSITIVE one.  One sure way to start changing the way you feel about something you’re not happy with, is to say you’re “in the process of” becoming the opposite of what you don’t like. For example, when the thought that I’ve got a big butt comes into my head, I press the reset button in my brain and then replace it with the thought “I’m in the process of shaping my butt to look great in my skinny jeans.” That’s believable. Your brain and emotions can wrap around that feeling much more than one that’s unrealistic.

4.) Stay away from negative Nellie’s. Being around energy sucking negative people only adds fuel to the negative self talk party in your head. Minimize your time around those folks and watch how your negative mind chatter reduces.

5.) Stop comparing your body to others. This is a really tough one because most of us have been doing this since childhood. We’re all different. Accept and love what you have and appreciate what they have. Don’t compare apples and oranges.

Eliminating all negative self talk is virtually impossible, we’re human. However, our self esteem, our health and our waistlines are a work in progress that we can improve one positive thought at a time from the INSIDE OUT.

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