This Is How We “JERF” IT…How I Lost 15 Without Counting Calories

jerfplateHad a convo with a client the other day and the pic to the left is was the answer I drew on her note paper to the question…”What should I eat”?  I told her my nutrition plan is pretty damn simple “Just Eat Real Food”.  or JERF.  No counting calories, logging each and every crumb that goes into your mouth or causing yourself brain damage thinking about the percentages of macronutrients (protein, fat & carbs) blah blah blah.

Main goals of the JERF Plan:

  • Decrease the inflammation in your body.  A happy, healthy body will naturally get rid of fat.
  • Avoid Grains, most dairy (a little grass fed cheese or milk and yogurt is ok) and legumes (beans, peanuts etc.)  These foods can blow you up and make your body mad.
  • Eat lot’s of veggies (organic as much as possible) and follow the proportions in the plate above.
  • Eat good fats (coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts etc.)
  • Eat Grass fed beef, wild fish, pastured chicken, pork etc.
  • Drink plenty O’ H2O.  At least half your body weight in ounces per day.
  • Avoid processed food like the plague.

And that’s how I lost 15lbs and didn’t count a calorie or log a single bite.  Many of my other clients who stay away from processed crap and JERF have also had similar results and some have even lost up to 30lbs.

You can do that too if that’s your goal.  You also can expect to lose your junk food cravings, have more energy and feel better than you have for years!

So if you’re struggling with those last few pounds or have more to get rid of than you’d like to admit, I urge you to give it a try for 30 days.  You’ve got nothing to lose but fat.

Do you JERF?  Let us know and please share so your friends and family can join you in the JERF challenge.  30 days isn’t that long.  See how your feel?

Posted in Nutrition and Diet.


  1. Great post Deb! As a nutritionist, I find so many people are looking for a quick fix or fad to help them lose weight. Others weigh, measure, and count everything. Both are destructive and obsessive processes that turn our relationship with food into an unhealthy one. I love your JERF acronym! You are so right, JERF!

  2. Love it- JERF. I try to JERF every day – nice to have something to remember it by. Mother’s Day of course killed my JERF lol.

    I just delivered 50 lbs of grass fed beef to my sister from a neighbor of mine. We eat grass fed butter and make kefir from raw milk. I watch my friends who are 50-100 lbs overweight eating junk and drinking soda. Amazing how easy it is if we just focus on eating what God intended us to!

  3. This is awesome Deb. My wife is in health coach training right now, she would love this. Ever since she has started this, I have been forced into the JERF plan 🙂 Its working though, so definitely no complaints!

  4. Thanks for the post… although I am vegetarian, I agree with the part about eating ‘real’ food… organic fruits and veges are my fav!!

  5. They’re my fav too! I tried the vegan thing for a bit, but I feel much better with adding good quality proteins back into the mix and honestly now I don’t think I good ever go without BACON. lol.

  6. I think it might have killed a lot of peoples JERF Ryan…Sure wish I lived closer. Would love to purchase some of that grass fed beef, butter and Kefir. yum!

  7. So very true Sue. Just about everyone is looking for that magic pill, potion and quick fix. Some also forget that they didn’t get into their situation over night… And our relationships with food is a whole other can of worms isn’t it?

  8. JERF? I LOVE it! I’m an orthomolecular nutritionist and have been JERFing a long time now – although I never would have given it such a cool name! Thanks for sharing! It is high time people understand they need to approach their weight problem differently!

  9. Absolutely Nathalie. My hope is that people will focus on their health first and the fat loss will become an extra added benefit. “Built it and you will lose”…

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