Fat Loss Plateau? 3 Big Reasons Your Body Stops Losing Fat

Fat loss plateaus and figuring out the reasons why they happen can be frustrating for sure, but it doesn't have to be a that way. You can bust through them. All you have to do is have a plan.

The first step to fixing any problem is to bring awareness to it.  Next get to the root cause. Then once you've figured out what and why the how will fall into place.
Noticing that the scale isn't moving is a no brainer. However, the topic of how to bust a fat loss plateau can be pretty in depth, as with a lot of things that deal with the human body. That's why we're going to chunk it down so we can put a plan into action. And as with anything in life, massive action is what's going to get us the most impressive results. 
But before we get to the meat of it, you've got to do one very important thing…
Get your head in the game.
The first order of business is to quit beating yourself up and thinking you're a failure just because your scale's on strike. If you've been diligently working to improve your exercise and nutrition habits,you've probably been rewarded by seeing the numbers on the scale drop. Which has made you very happy, then bam out of nowhere your weight-loss slows or even stalls. Don't let that send you into reverse. Take a deep breath and don't freak out. The body's all about balance and doesn't really like change. Even if it's for the better.
So chalk the sticking point up to something that happens, know that you're not alone and work on feeling better about yourself so you can get to the bottom of why all your progress has stopped. 
More than likely things slowed down or stalled because of three main reasons.
Three biggies that throw fat loss into a stall or tail spin.
Now that you're head's back in the game let's take a look at the three main reasons your body stops losing fat.
1.) A smaller body requires less energy. There are a lot of conditions that need to be right in order for your body to want to burn fat and lose weight. However, once you've had success and the needle on the scale has gone in the right direction, your now smaller self has less body mass to fuel and requires less gas. Simply said, you no longer need the same amount of food to keep things even. Not only will you NOT continue to lose weight if you eat the same, but more than likely you'll begin to put it back on. Eating more than you need causes your body to put it into storage (fat) for later just like the squirrels do with their nuts in the fall.
2.) Eating more than you think. It's natural to become relaxed and not as diligent after you've been watching your food intake and exercising more than you ever have before. Especially if you've been creating one of the best habits, keeping a food log. Quite often things don't end up on the log or the amounts you're eating are way underestimated.
3.) The body gets bored. Isn't one of the definitions of insanity expecting change even though you continue to do the same things over and over again? Well, the human body reacts in a similar way when it comes to diet and exercise. There's this physiological principle called "The General Adaptation Syndrome". Without boring you with too much of the details, your body gets used to whatever you throw at it.
If it isn't challenged, it won't change. When you first get after it, pretty much anything will give you some kind of results. Then as your body gets used to things, the scale goes on strike until you change it up. That's why health and fitness coaches are so important, because they not only keep things fresh and new for the mind, but they also keep the body challenged so it will continue to get stronger and leaner.
Don't let your weight-loss plateau send you off the deep end.
If the three biggies that usually cause fat loss plateaus don't apply to you and the scale still isn't budging, don't let it send you over the edge and revert back to your old bad habits that caused the problem in the first place.
Next post we'll go over some fixes and how to get over the hump. Also think about getting some help. Talk to your doc, a registered dietician or health and fitness coach or maybe even revisit your fat loss goal. Maybe the goal you've set for yourself is unrealistic. Look at the glass half full. Any changes you've made in your diet and exercise have reduced your health risks and improved your quality of life.
If this post has been helpful, share it how ever you'd like. Twitter,Facebook or e-mail whatever floats your boat. Also, remember to tell us about your plateau stories in the comment section below. 
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