Cellulite – Is it possible to get rid of it?

I had someone ask me this very common question the other day.  “ I think my weight is fine, I am 5′4, 120 pounds, and I still have some cellulite on the back of my thighs. Is this normal? Also, how do you get rid of it?”  

Well first of all, this condition is pretty common. 85% of pre-menopausal women are plagued with that ugly lumpy bumpy fat on our legs, butts and bellies. Some say it’s impossible to get rid of, I disagree. Grant it, it’s not easy, especially for women, but I believe it can be done. We have so many cards stacked against us…  We’ve got the hormone deal, which is huge and then we’ve got the fact that genetically we’re designed to store fat in our hips, thighs and butts to enhance the childbearing process. But if you eliminate the possible causes and combine the right nutrition with appropriate activities and lifestyle habits you can say bye bye to that cottage cheese.

Here are 5 possible causes you can get rid of today.

1. Eating the wrong types of fats:
Trans Fats (Partially Hydrogenated oils) disrupt the metabolism and can really slow things down. Trans Fats appear in most fast foods and processed foods. Not sure…..just take a look at the food label, if the ingredients include…partially hydrogenated this or that, STAY AWAY from it!

3. Not enough of the “Good Fats”:
You’d be surprised at how many of us don’t get enough daily omega 3 fatty acids. Try to eat wild seafood (salmon etc.) at least once a week and maybe supplement your diet with a good quality fish oil. Not only are these oils good for their anti-oxidant values, but recent research has also shown that 3-5 grams of omega 3 fatty acids daily may significantly increase your metabolism.

2. Estrogen overload:
Estrogen stimulates the fibroblasts to make collagenase (an enzyme), which breaks down the collagen, starting the cycle of cellulite formation. Women’s hormones are easily influenced by things in food, medications and the environment, which can increase estrogen levels and therefore increase cellulite. So try to stay away from soy (disrupts your hormones and increases estrogen levels) and get your hormones checked, especially if you’ve had some female issues. Regulating your hormones is not only huge factor in removing cellulite, but they’re important in so many other important bodily functions. 

4. Drinking too much caffeine: Try to cut out or reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine isn’t the best for our bodies. It promotes waste storage and decreases circulation. Removing toxins and increasing circulation are key factors in the battle of the bumps.

5. Processed Food: This is a biggie. As I’ve mentioned before, we are exactly what we eat. If you want to look like a cake, muffin or bagel, keep shoveling them down. Processed pseudo food (I think Michael Pollon calls it that?) really messes with your fat storage. If our goal then is to remove the fat, get rid of the junk in your diet.

Oh and before I forget, there’s one other thing you need to get moving on if you haven’t already……Get moving! Exercise not only improves your circulation, but it will also increase your energy expenditure so you can create that calorie deficit and burn some of that extra fat storage. Be sure to also include some type of strength training.  Strong shapely muscles will also help smooth out the appearance of those lumps and bumps. If you’re not sure what types of foods to eat or exercises to do, check out the 8 step, 12 week plan over at http://cellulitecircuits.com. The program’s all laid out for you. All you have to do is “Do it!”

If you’ve run across any other ammo to use in the battle of the lumps and bumps, please share them in the comments section below.
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  1. Hiya Coach!
    I totally agree on the hormone thing,  That is something that I am going to explore with my doc and hopefully a homeopathic person,
    And yes…get rid of the processed stuff!!!!

  2. Hey Kristi,
    You should definitely explore the hormone thing with your doc. I’m in the process of doing so myself. Our hormones need to be in sync and work with each other in symphony for optimal metabolic and physiologic function.

  3. Cellulite is normal. The only way for many women to have no cellulite is to have no body fat. Hopefully you’re not advocating that.
    No one looks smooth and skinny and perfect like models; even the models are photoshopped! Let’s stand up for realistic body images for women, and support each other as we really look.

  4. Hi Summer, I’m not advocating that women have zero body fat. I agree that’s totally unrealistic and very unhealthy. We should embrace and support realistic un-photoshopped body images. However, I do believe that healthy REAL food nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management and regular exercise can result in a shapely toned body.

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