Are You a Victim of Diet Creep?

Ok, time for confessions. At first I wasn’t going to take this challenge, (giving up something for the month of June) because I was feeling a little holier than thou. I was feeling that my diet was good enough and in control. Then I sat and thought about it for a minute. And after reading Craigs’ full post I realized that I was a victim too! I try very hard to walk the walk of clean eating, regular exercise and enough sleep, but the truth is I’m human too and I’m subjected to the same crazy stressful lifestyle curve-balls just like everyone else. In fact just this past weekend, I exhibited a classic case of stress eating right down to the “Strawberry Twizzlers” and Cape Cod Potato chips. I’ve also added another thing to my diet lately, chocolate milk post workout,  that I doubt is going to assist me in getting that elusive six pack by my b-day. I guess I justified the chocolate milk thing, because I thought if others can do it without any ill effects than I can too.  I should know better.  If you’re already where you’d like to be I don’t think it can hurt, but if you have a specific goal in mind…, not so much.

And while I’m confessing here, although I love the new addition of intermittent fasting to my lifestyle I think although it’s helped me get leaner, it’s has also allowed me to be a little too lax too many times with my food choices. Because I get the calorie restriction from the fasting, my 90 percent great food choices to 10 percent treat choices have creeped up to 20 or 30 percent. End result, my weight and my fat percentage has stayed about the same for the last few weeks.

So, since I’m feeling great today and have eaten very well since my fast yesterday, I’m going to give it a go and cut out the following for the month of June even though it’s my Dads birthday this month. I think he’ll understand because he knows how much of a freak I am about this stuff. 
So here’s my laundry list:
Alcohol beerweb Shouldn’t be hard because I just don’t drink much anymore anyways other than an occasional glass of wine with dinner or a beer with friends.
Processed Food product_twizzlers – Including the chocolate milk in the fridge and the “Twizzlers” and Chips in the pantry. Nothing, Nada, No more for the month! I can do it.
White Stuff + All Whole Wheat Products – For the month of June I’m going to forgo any added sugars, white flours, pastas, all breads and also throw in all whole wheat products.
Caffeine coffeeweb – I’ve already given up caffeine and pretty much am caffeine free outside of what I get from green tea, but for the month I’ll go grab some naturally decaffeinated green tea so I can stay true to my commitment.
Well, have you thought about it yet? Are you going to join me and give something up for the month of June? Sometimes we all need a good kick in the @#s to get us back on track. Mine was reading Craigs’ Challenge. It brought me back to earth and helped me re-focus on my goals. Why don’t you do the same? And let me know what’s on your list.



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  1. Well, I have to agree with you on the processed food part – it’s so easy to grab a bag of chips, crackers, cookies, etc…when you’re hungry and you have limited time. I have tried to program myself over the years to understand that it’s just as easy to grab and apple and a piece of string cheese or a whole wheat bagel with some peanut butter. It helps when I think that the processed foods have a shelf life of like 100 years – totally grosses me out and makes it easier but we all slip up once in awhile.
    I do have to disagree with the chocolate milk comments though, there has actually been quite a bit of discussion about this in the running world lately and runners are claiming that chocolate milk is one of the best post workout drinks you can consume (even better than artifically colored sports drinks) because of the calcium, sugar, carb, vitamin mix. It’s good stuff and if you use skim milk there should be no guilt associated with this tiny (good for you) indulgence:)

  2. @shayna cooke – Love your shelf life visual of junk food. That sure would change my mind in a hurry. I hear what your saying about the chocolate milk too. I just felt I should hang it up for the month because I’ve got a little bit of a portion control issue because it taste so darn good. Especially when it’s ice cold and you’re hot and sweaty after a workout.

  3. Hi Deb!

    I hope that you are doing well. Congratulations on your nice blog!



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