Got “Real Milk”?

beyoncemilkHow successful are those add campaigns? Got Milk? They’re catchy aren’t they? At least they grab my attention. Cute marketing isn’t it? Well it may be cute, but pasteurized milk no matter what the commercial milk industry says is NOT the best thing for us. Milk and milk products are marketed as the savior to bone health for women and the sad thing is traditional commercial pasteurized milk is one of the worst things for our health let alone bone health. The milk that most of us are allowed to buy in the stores (Californians are lucky they can buy “Real Milk”) is pasteurized and stripped of all the good for us stuff.

So many of my family members and friends say I read too much and then they go on to say that I pretty much believe everything I read. Well, they may be right in that I read too much for my own good sometimes, but I disagree with them that I believe everything I read. I may be a bit too trusting and a little bit gullible, but I DON’T believe everything I read. Here’s a good example of what I DON’T believe. It’s what’s on the Got Milk web site. They say their milk:
  • Helps make strong bones.  
  • Is good for your teeth.
  • Is good for your hair, nails and skin.
  • Helps with PMS.
  • Helps with sleep.
Here’s why it’s not. If you do some real reading about “Real Milk” you’ll get the facts and weed through all the propaganda put out there by our government and the big biz milk industry. I ran across this free report (Get It Here) by an MD named Dr. William Campbell Douglass. He’s known as medicines notorious myth buster. In his report about “Real Milk” he outlines 5 arguments against pasteurization which are:
1. Pasteurization alters the quality and structure of the milk itself. Here’s an example, when milk is pasteurized and homogenized, the lactose sugar is converted to beta-lactose which is a form that can cause milk allergies.
2. Pasteurization ruins the taste of milk. I haven’t had the pleasure yet, but I’m on a mission to buy some. You see it’s not real convenient to buy "Real Milk" in Texas.  I can’t wait to try it because apparently there’s nothing like a good cold glass of “Real Milk”. But beyond that, pasteurization destroys the creaming ability of milk and it also destroys the souring bacteria of milk. This causes the milk to putrefy if kept too long instead of souring normally. Pasteurization also makes milk decompose when exposed to air.
3. Pasteurization sucks the nutritional life out of raw milk. The process reduces the overall vitamin content and destroys vitamins C, B6, and B12. “Real milk” is an excellent source of calcium, but once it has been pasteurized; your body can no longer absorb many of the nutrients that are left. Hence the claim that regular milk is good for your bones is FALSE. Plus, the pasteurization process destroys all the beneficial enzymes, antibodies, hormones, and fatty acids (like cancer-fighting conjugated linoleic acid or CLA).
4. Pasteurized milk can lead to a variety of health problems. The most obvious evidence of this is that infants do not develop well on pasteurized milk. (Even calves don’t do well and sometimes die when given the pasteurized milk.) Pasteurized milk is more likely than “Real milk” to lead to tooth decay, constipation, allergies, arthritis, cancer, and osteoporosis (so much for the whole “milk for strong bones” theory). And it may diminish resistance to disease and suppress your immune system (especially in kids). Could this be why so many kids are sick these days?
5. Pasteurization isn’t perfect. Most people are willing to give up all of the benefits of “Real Milk” because they’re concerned about safety and they believe everything main stream media and our government puts out there, but the truth is that pasteurization is not infallible: It may be carelessly done, which could result in various bacterial infections such as helicobacter pylori, the cause of peptic ulcers.
Hopefully this has opened up your eyes to the benefits of “Real Milk”. In my opinion this is just another case where man thinks he knows better and messes things up. Why don’t we just trust Mother Nature and leave s#@t alone? She really does know what she’s doing.  Below is a video from a very knowledgeable and well respected fellow health professional Sean Croxton "The King of "Underground Wellness"..  Sean wraps up the pros of "Real Milk" and the cons of Pasteurized milk very well in just a 5 minute short video.  Well worth the 5 min watch.

[youtube C5ZO3B2butg]



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